Saturday, February 27, 2010

From the sleepy city of Townsville

Kudos to Malcolm Weatherup of the Townsville Bulletin, a man who not only knows how to use a phrase, but is also good enough to provide an educational digression for his Australian readers -

On the national scene, PM KRudd is increasingly proving himself to be the ideal candidate for the old north of England putdown ' all mouth and trousers'.

(A small digression: for those who aren't familiar with the saying, Michael Quinion in his excellent World Wide Words explains that it is incorrect to say 'no trousers'. Mr Quinion opines 'all mouth and trousers' is an effective put-down of a certain kind of over-confident man. In the Cassell Dictionary of Slang, Jonathon Green explains it as being a pairing of mouth, cheek or insolence, with trousers, a pushy sexual bravado, a fine double example of metonymy, a container for the thing contained.)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Curling one out

An Olympic failure, as Jeffrey Jones of Reuters reports:
The Norwegian Olympic men's curling team are highly unlikely to be accused of being all mouth and no trousers.
They have become the talk of competitors and fans alike at the Vancouver Games with their red, white and blue harlequin-pattern pants.

The world would indeed be a finer place if no one would be accused of 'being all mouth and no trousers'- because it doesn't flipping well mean anything.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Gob off

Shame on the Wirral Gob, a new local news organ which bills itself with the southern bastardisation:
The newspaper that's all mouth and no trousers